Tide 0.1.0
tide::BadBodySize | A read body size does not match the actual body size in the file |
tide::BadDocReadVersion | The required Tide read version is too high |
tide::BadElementLength | A fixed-length element is truncated or lengthened in the file |
tide::BadLacedFrameSize | A frame with a bad size was added to a block |
tide::BadReadVersion | The required EBML read version is too high |
tide::BinaryElement | Binary primitive element |
tide::Block | Block interface |
tide::BlockAdditions | This element is used to specify reference blocks |
tide::BlockElement | |
tide::BlockGroup | The BlockGroup is the standard block |
tide::BlockImpl | Common block functionality implementation |
tide::BufferTooSmall | A buffer was too small for the data |
tide::Cluster | The base Cluster, defining the common interface for Cluster element implementations |
tide::DateElement | Date primitive element |
tide::DuplicateTrackNumber | A duplicate track number was encountered |
tide::DuplicateUID | A UID collision was encountered |
tide::EBMLElement | The EBML Header element |
tide::Element | The Element interface, a basic interface to an element object |
tide::EmptyBlock | An empty block was encountered |
tide::EmptyBlockAdditionsElement | An empty BlockAdditions element was read or written |
tide::EmptyFrame | An empty frame was encountered |
tide::EmptyTracksElement | An empty Tracks element was read or written |
equality_comparable | |
tide::FloatElement | Float primitive element |
tide::IntElement | Signed integer primitive element |
tide::InvalidChildID | A child element was found where it doesn't belong |
tide::InvalidEBMLID | An invalid EBML class ID was found |
tide::InvalidElementID | An invalid Element ID was provided |
tide::InvalidVarInt | An invalid variable-length integer was found |
tide::MemoryCluster::IteratorBase< BlockType, IterType > | |
tide::MasterElement | The MasterElement interface |
tide::MaxLaceSizeExceeded | The maximum lace size for a block was exceeded |
tide::MemoryCluster | The in-memory Cluster implementation |
tide::MissingChild | A necessary child element was missing |
tide::MultipleSeekHeads | A segment was found with multiple meta-seeks |
tide::NoClusters | A segment was found without at least one cluster |
tide::NoSegmentInfo | A segment was found without a segment info element |
tide::NotEBML | File is not an EBML file |
tide::NotImplemented | Something is not supported |
tide::NoTracks | A segment was found without a tracks information element |
tide::NotTide | File is not a Tide file |
tide::NotWriting | A segment or cluster was finalised before being started |
tide::PrimitiveElement< T > | The primitive data element interface |
tide::ReadError | A read error was encountered during a read |
tide::SeekElement | The Seek element, which contains a single index point in the SeekHead element |
tide::SeekHead | The SeekHead element, used as an index for a Tide file |
tide::Segment | The Segment element |
tide::SegmentInfo | The SegmentInfo element, containing the meta-data for a segment |
tide::SilentTrackNumber | The track number of a silent track |
tide::SimpleBlock | The SimpleBlock element, a simplified version of Blocks |
tide::SpecSizeTooSmall | A specified size for a variable-length integer is too small |
tide::StringElement | String primitive element |
tide::Tide | The Tide interface, the interface provided by all Tide objects |
tide::TideError | Base error type |
tide::TideImpl | Implementation of the Tide interface |
test_utils::TotalSizeOp | |
tide::TrackEntry | A track entry provides the meta-data for a single track |
tide::TrackJoinBlocks | JoinBlocks track operation |
tide::TrackOperationBase | Abstract base class for individual track operations |
tide::Tracks | The Tracks element, listing all tracks in the segment |
tide::UIntElement | Unsigned integer primitive element |
tide::ValueOutOfRange | A child element's value was set outside the allowable range |
tide::ValueSizeOutOfRange | A child element's size is below or above the required size |
tide::VarIntTooBig | A variable-length integer is too large to be encoded |
tide::VoidElement | Void primitive element |
tide::VoidTooSmall | The requested size of a void element is too small |
tide::WriteError | A write error was encountered during a write |