HokuyoAIST  3.0.2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CArgErrorBad argument error class
 CBaseErrorGeneral error class
 CBaudrateErrorBaudrate error class
 CChecksumErrorBad checksum error
 CCloseErrorClose error class
 CCommandEchoErrorCommand echo error
 CDataCountErrorIncorrect number of data sets read error
 CEndStepErrorBad end step error class
 CFirmwareErrorBad firmware error class
 CIndexErrorBad index error class
 CInsufficientBytesErrorInsufficient bytes to calculate checksum error
 CIPAddrStructure to store an IP address
 CLineLengthErrorIncorrect line length error
 CLogicErrorLogic error class
 CMisplacedLineFeedErrorMisplaced line feed error
 CMissingFirmSpecErrorMissing firmware specification error
 CMotorSpeedErrorInvalid motor speed error class
 CNoDataErrorNo data error class
 CNoDestinationErrorNo destination error class
 CNotSerialErrorNot a serial connection error class
 CParamEchoErrorParameter echo error
 CParseErrorParse error
 CProtocolErrorBase protocol error
 CReadErrorRead error class
 CResponseErrorBad response error - may be sent in response to any command
 CRuntimeErrorRuntime error class
 CScanDataStructure to store data returned from the laser scanner
 CScip1ResponseErrorBad response error (SCIP1 version)
 CScipVersionErrorSCIP version error class
 CSensorHokuyo laser scanner class
 CSensorInfoSensor information
 CSetIPErrorSet IP error class
 CStartStepErrorBad start step error class
 CUnknownLineErrorUnknownLine error
 CUnknownScipVersionErrorUnknown SCIP version error class
 CUnsupportedErrorUnsupported feature error class
 CWriteErrorWrite error class